Next-Jobs Terms of Use:

Please read this passage carefully.

By using the Next-Jobs Service and its functionalities, or by browsing its content any User accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

  1. General Information
    • Smart-Point Company is the owner and administrator of Next-Jobs service
    • Office:
         ul. Słoneczna 11
        34-122 Wieprz, Poland
         tel. +48 883 931 498
         e-mail: office@next-jobs24.com

      hereinafter referred to as the Administrator, the rights and responsibilities of which are regulated by the present Terms of Use.

    • The subject of the Web Site services is:
      • to enable the Employers to publish their job offers;
      • to enable the Candidates to browse and apply for the chosen job offers.
  2. Terms and Conditions of Use
    • By using the Service the User indicates:
      • acceptance of the Terms of Use;
      • acceptance of processing his personal data by the Administrator, to such an extent the User gave it to the database during the registration process or later, while using the Service.
    • Every user can terminate using the Service on his own by deleting his account, job offer or CV. Consequently, any information and personal data will be deleted from the Service.
    • Administrator reserves the right to delete a User's account, precluding him from accessing a particular service or all the services and the Next-Jobs resources, if the User:
      • commits any breach of the Terms of Use;
      • commits violation of the law;
      • commits violation of the principles of community law or public morals.
    • It is forbidden to share User's personal identity number and password, which could make the Service's resources available to a third party. Maintaining the confidentiality of the information is in the interest of every User. Administrator will not be liable for any loss, changes or damage arising from unauthorized use of User's account.
    • User indicates, he agrees to receive commercial and technical messages at his e-mail address.
  3. Publication of job offers
    • Publication of job offers is free of charge.
    • Publication of job offers depends on Administrator's decision after verifying the truth of existence of the entity submitting the job.
    • It is forbidden to post job offers of:
      • content infringing the law;
      • content agitating to racial or sexual discrimination, discrimination because of religion and faith etc.;
      • rude or controversial content;
      • content violating personal goods or civil rights of other parties.
    • Administrator reserves the right to moderate ad content, refuse to publish an ad or delete it without assigning any reason if its content violates the general law, Terms of Use or public morals. Administrator does not accept the responsibility for the content of ads, their authenticity, availability, reliability or existence of an Advertiser.
  4. Personal Data Protection
    • User's personal data (provided by the Users voluntarily) shall be collected and processed in the resources of the Service. Taking into consideration the character of particular services, not providing the proper information may result in blocking access to some of them.
    • Smart-Point Company, ul. Słoneczna 11, 34-122 Wieprz is the Administrator of personal data as provided for in the Act of 29 August 1997 on Personal Data Protection.
    • The Administrator reserves the right to process the personal data for marketing purposes and to properly supply the services ordered by the User.
    • The User's personal data may be disclosed to the third parties for their recruitment purposes.
    • By providing any personal data in the Service, the User accepts the fact that the Administrator will collect, process or disclose it under the Terms of Use.
    • Depending on the type of service, the Administrator may require the following data from the User:
      • Name and surname;
      • Date of birth;
      • Address;
      • E-mail address;
      • Contact phone number;
      • Information connected with his/her education and employment.
    • The User has the right to access his/her personal data, correct or complement it, require discontinuation of processing the data or removing it.
    • The personal data may be changed or removed by the Administrator on User's request or by the User himself. Removing the personal data means that the User completely or partly discontinues using the resources of the Service.
  5. Cookies Policy
  6. Within this website we use cookie files which are placed on your device, including the cookies used by our third-party service providers. We use cookies to make this website better, as well as for the statistic and advertising purposes. You can change the settings in your browser at any time. Otherwise, we'll assume you are happy for your web browser to receive all cookies from our website.

  7. Complaints
    • Any interruptions, problems and comments on the services can be reported via e-mail: office@next-jobs24.com
    • The Service Team will consider your complaint within 30 days. Administrator reserves the right to leave the complaint with no reply if it concerns a dysfunction, which is an effect of ignorance of the Terms of Use or disobedience of the Team's advice.
  8. Final Provisions
    • Administrator reserves the right to disconnect the Service temporarily or completely in order to upgrade its services without prior notice.
    • Administrator does no accept liability in respect of the authenticity of the information supplied to the Service by Users as well as Users' data, because Administrator is not able to check the accuracy or completeness of that information.
    • Administrator does not accept liability in respect for any events between the Users taking place in the real world.
    • To all matters not settled herein provisions of Act on Rendering Electronic Services, Act on Personal Data Protection and the Civil Code shall apply.